ImpactCove launched a BookClub on April 23rd alongside World Book Day, with the aim of ensuring our community continues to leverage new resources, access literary materials, mentorship and collaboration required to sustain and increase social impact. For us, accessing the right information remains an important part of creating impact as such we continue to encourage our community to embrace reading whether for pleasure or for personal development.
We had over 15 participants at the event and in line with the theme of the 2021 World Book Day, we had everyone share a story. The aim of the story sharing was to show us the importance of our experiences and how much they shape our lives. Sharing stories together for just ten minutes a day can also encourage a love of reading and it’s fun for everyone – reading and sharing stories can happen anywhere at any time.
Reading for pleasure is the single biggest indicator for success in life, more than family circumstances, educational background, or income (Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development).
With that being said, we are developing a library at the Hub for community members and BookClub@ImpactCove members and subsequently, we will be meeting monthly to discuss books, poetry, and showcase literary materials developed by our members. This initiative is open to writers, readers, poets, spoken word artists and book lovers in general who want to create change in their society. With BookClub@ImpactCove we are making reading fun and accessible to our members and the wider community.
World Book Day is a celebration of reading, authors, illustrators and books. It’s designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.
New members are welcome, click here to join. For more information and partnerships, please reach out to our Community and Engagement Lead Here
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